Basic Geometry

Geometry is the measurement properties of points, lines, angles, flat and solid, as well as relations between themselves. Then we will see some concepts basic related to geometry that will help you much to start successfully, the study of this beautiful area. Segment: it is that part of a straight line that remains between two points marked on it. Beam or midline: is that part of a straight line that remains a (end) point somewhere pointed out above it. Mark Hyman, MD describes an additional similar source. Angle: when two rays will intersect at their ends. The point of intersection is known with the name of the vertex of the angle.

Units of measurement of the angles-the units commonly used to measure angles is radian and degree. The measure of an angle is the amount of measuring units containing. Grade: is a measurement unit whose symbol is. Therefore there is 360 in one complete revolution. In the international system of units, the angle unit is the radian.

Angles can be divided into different types on the basis of grades that have. Thus, we can distinguish between four types of angles. In the next lesson we will explain the different classes. Right angle: is formed by the intersection of two perpendicular lines forming the fourth part of a revolution, i.e. More info: Anu Saad. 90. Obtuse angle: an obtuse angle has one opening greater than the straight angle, namely 180. Acute angle: an acute angle has one less than the straight angle opening. Flat angle: it is the one whose sides are opposite rays, also the angle is half of a revolution, or 180. Flat to the sum of the lengths of its sides is called the perimeter of a figure. Thus, the perimeter of a triangle whose sides measure 5 cm, 6 cm and 10 cm is 5 + 6 + 10 = 21 cm. To calculate the perimeter it is necessary to know the length of all sides of the figure. It is customary to represent half of the perimeter of a figure with the letter p. Perimeter = 2 p the rectangle Area: as a rectangle, the sides are equal to two, we obtain the following formula: perimeter = 2.

Bicycle Static

Fixed bicycle exercises are a great way to get in shape and lose weight. But how many times you’ve proposed you to lose weight or get in shape and nothing like that has happened? They are many to remember? Well, that fixed are using of coat rack or bike that collects dust is one of the best tools to lose weight, but you’ll need a plan to make that happen eventually, and once and for all. Council one decides what you want to achieve please, spends some time thinking about what you want to achieve with the exercise. Does losing weight? How much of that weight? Get ready for some sport? How many miles you need travel to get to tone? Set some concrete goals that you can then monitor and assess the extent that passes your training. Two Council – writes those goals I know, I know it. Everyone says this. But so few people actually do, and coincidentally are those same people who are successful. Look at this fact: only 3 percent of adults writes his goals.

And it is that three percent which achieves more than the remaining 97 percent. There is nothing unusual or rare with write your objectives. Write them, look at it every day and meet them. He began writing them please. Tip three Ponte dates or deadlines to achieve an objective without certain date is more an expression of desire that an objective. Place a period or time in which the objective that you proposed will be fulfilled. A kind of healthy urgency, a sense of purpose, will be to put a term born in you that there is something you have to do or accomplish in that time. So spend some time thinking about what you want, then write it, then put a deadline for lograrl and each time you’ll be closer to achieve it, or at least try.

Look at it this way, that time or date will come equal so why not give a purpose at that time Council four begins today if your fixed bike is in your House then clean it, remove dust, gives a little oil, adjusts the seat, handlebars, the resistance, and begins pedaling right now. Not tomorrow or next Monday, begins today. And if you’re thinking of buying it do you expect? the next lunar eclipse? Go out and buy it now! Then assemble it, then change you and then climb. The postponement is the main cause for which you have overweight now or are so out of shape. Otherwise not you wouldn’t be reading this right? Council five 20 minutes a day is an excellent start No need you pass hours and hours to achieve great progress. Twenty minutes a day is a great way to exercise your fixed bike. The idea is that you start. You don’t even have to go at full speed, with only adjust the resistance at a comfortable pace or at intervals you can achieve a lot. The key is to do it daily.