Occupational Therapy

The Praxis fur Ergotherapie Elisabeth Brechtel informed at various diseases occupational therapy can be applied and positive support. It is successfully applied in Pediatrics to treat children and adolescents in the motor and in the area of cognitive or perceptual disorders developmental delays. Also in neurological disorders such as stroke, Multiple sclerosis and Crohn’s disease, Parkinson’s disease is occupational therapy used to train skills and as far as possible to regain independence. The treatment can be performed also in the home. The Praxis fur Ergotherapie Elisabeth Brechtel from Cologne informed about this beneficial possibility.

Therapy in a familiar environment In the focus of occupational therapy treatment are exercises that help the patient regain the ability to act and thus maximum self-sufficiency and independence. This affects everyday life in the home as well as professional life. Occupational therapy Sessions must not necessarily be held in a practice. For persons who are physically restricted, it is possible in the form of home visits. A treatment in the home has the great advantage that the patient can be treated in his familiar environment. Practical problems also often occur in the domestic environment, therefore it can be advantageous to perform occupational therapy as a home visit. The occupational therapist can get a picture of the home environment and give suggestions to the transformation in this. The conversion of some pieces of furniture or the use of tools can contribute significantly to a relief in the area of freedom of movement.

Home visits can also occur in nursing homes and other facilities. The Praxis fur Ergotherapie Elisabeth Brechtel from Cologne is available for more information.

Eliminating Damage

There are “maintenance crews, who are constantly eliminate damage, but they are working with overexertion, and are themselves” under fire “, so the quality of genetic information mx gradually deteriorating. This leads reduce the effectiveness of their work. Organism, are increasingly suffering from a lack of energy, which leads to a weakening of the functions and, consequently, a decrease in reserves of adaptation. Thus, inevitably increasing energy deficiency is the cause of the aging process.

Recent experimental data confirm that the various irregularities in the mx accelerate the aging process. Scientists were able to bring mice in which the dna mx poorly protected. These mice grew older is 10 times faster than in the control group. Japanese biochemist T. Ozawa studied the dna of heart mx 97-year long-liver. About 90% of them were hopelessly flawed. So, what do you do? Various methods of recovery trained reserves of energy metabolism, maintain health and allow you to extend life. But, ” what a man does not do, he insists on crawling to the cemetery, we have noticed . What would a healthy lifestyle, we did not conduct – Fundamentally it does not solve the problem. atp – a tiny battery power. mx – “factories” for production and ‘recharging’ of these batteries. With age, they begin to work less efficiently, but to change the aggressive conditions, which are the mx, until we can. Therefore, we live as much as allow us to state our mitochondria. But everything is so hopeless? After all, according to the bio-energy in the cell there are two types of “Battery” of energy – a proton (PP) and sodium potentials (NP).