Burnout Syndrome

The Burnout Syndrome (be gutted) Yes, you have read correctly, “not ill think yourself!” 90% of all diseases are homemade. They are psychological nature. Man can talk to his illness, will be needed only musthafa m c back continuous repetition, equals a self hypnosis. Run a continuous dialogue with your inner voice. In an initial depression seems the inner voice to lead a life of their own. You lose control of the inner voice. In stress situations or periods of depressive mood is inevitably more dialogues with the inner voice.

You get angry about a certain thing and swing up internally musthafa m c further. Hatred, anger, and anger come to the outbreak. The soul is healthy, occasional outbursts of anger are even conducive to health. The voltage discharges, such as during a thunderstorm. It is located in a bad and stress loaded state, but long time the inner dialogs to be more and more self-destructive. The causes of burnout and We find depression in the personal, professional, social and social area.

The role conflict plays a major role here. Ideal and reality can not to agree. The discrepancy is too large the emotional disappointment rises too sharply. And this disappointment is the basis of the disease. Burnout is always a combination of these three factors: to high demands from outside motivation can say “No”. One theory says: who burns out, must have burnt even! Regina m Ewertz