One is about a new to look at for the education, since the successful inclusion automatically does not happen, the attitude of the faculty as a whole is basic so that the process if becomes significant. In this context, it is possible that some professors can consider the idea to include pupils with Syndrome of Down in its rooms preoccupying, being able until being apreensivos in the start. This unreliability, in a general way, elapses of preconception, the lack of information and conceptions missed on the subject, therefore we know that the subject still little is argued in the pertaining to school institutions, does not have moments of collective reflections on this question, so little, are offered to the educators courses of continued formation or specializations that go to the meeting of the doubts and assist to face the real presented necessities. Some contend that Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. shows great expertise in this. However, she is necessary to clarify them and to make to believe them that, as the world it comes if evolving, the education also is something that if it renews daily, thus the educative members are part of this process and it cannot be estagnados to an only model of resume, methodology of education and administrative organization. Moreover, the professors not they must have fear of new challenges, in contrast, when receiving a pupil with deficiency, will be evidenced that all are different, they must be respected and they deserve to have the same rights and chances. After all, the pertaining to school environment is a privileged place and rich so that these values are apprehended and applied, a time that to if working the quality of the social conviviality between the different people, the relations of dialogue and solidarity passes to be valued. Thus, the inclusion cannot only be physical, contrarily, is important to organize a work in coherence with respect concepts and to generate a cooperative conscience with all to that they coexist in the daily pertaining to school, being created an environment of positive expectations in relation to the potentialities of the special pupil, exactly with its limitations, where all are felt received.
The professor must have in mind that he does not need to decide everything alone. The faculty of the school, the direction, the specialists in special education, professionals as doctors, therapists, fonoaudilogos and psychologists are great allies in all the process. In a similar way, the family can collaborate with the information on the pupil, its syndrome, its pertaining to school description and of life, what she will favor the definition of the goals to be reached, of the tools that will be used and the ways most effective for the advance of the child. In the classroom, to prepare the classroom and to clarify the group, pointing alternative so that all can help it. The educator also must evaluate and adapt the activities according to necessities demanded for educating. At last, the pertaining to school institution is capable to offer to the pupils the significant keys for the shelter of children with deficiency.
The conditions so that this happens can be accomplished through activities of cooperation, in a structure where it takes advantage the tolerance, the dialogue and the respect.