The different aspects of the development if they interlace, being difficult to distinguish them, but all are of basic importance for the human development. The perspectives of study on the human development and its differences have as it has detached the Ambientalistas that believe that the children are born as a flat board, that learns by means of imitation or effort. For the Inatistas the children already are born with everything nothing are learned in the environment and yes only gone off by this. The development is constructed from an interaction of the child with the way is what they believe the Construcionistas theoreticians who have as Piaget icon. The Sociointeracionistas that has as Vygotsky reference says that the human development if of the one in relation in the exchanges between social partners through interaction and mediation.
These perspectives look for to understand the human development breaking of conscientious and unconscious motivations of the child, emphasizing its conflicts during the infancy and for the remaining portion of the life. Having in consideration all the theoreticians, such as Piaget, Vygotsky, Freud, Skinner, among others, all they bring in its theories something of supreme importance for one better human development, making with that in elapsing of the time the people, in special the educators they perceive the possible difficulties of the children and can help with the aid of specialists to detect certain riots that later appear. Therefore the human development means to know the characteristics common of a etria band, allowing to recognize the individualities. All these mentioned aspects previously have basic importance for the education. To plan what and as to teach implies in knowing the pupils and as these learn, of form that the action to teach has resonance in the act to learn. In case that this complicity of the actions does not happen to teach and to learn the educative process will be compromised.