Intubados patients have high risk of respiratory infection. The settling of orofaringe is an important firing pin of the pneumonia; the gastric settling, refluxo and the aspiration increase the risk for patient in ventilation mechanics. The prevention of the respiratory infection must be constant concern of the team to multidiscipline. The rise of the headboard of the stream bed of the patient submitted to the ventilation mechanics is one simple prophylactic measure of aspiration of the gastric content. The job of correct techniques in the manuscript of the ventilation equipment mechanics is prevention factor, therefore the bacterial contamination of these can premake use to the pneumonia development.
To guide and to educate the members of the team to also multidiscipline are function of the nursing professional. (Craven, 1993; Towers, 1994 apud CINTRA; NISHIDE; NUNES, 2003, P.362) Unhappyly, the use of the mechanical fan at the same time where it favors the air bombardment for the pulmes, also can bring great complications as the pneumonia, that has in bigger index in patients who follow in use of this support. The pneumonia associated with the use of the mechanical fan can be characterized as bacterial pneumonia that occurs in patients with acute respiratory insufficience where these are making use of the ventilatrio support for a minimum period of 48 hours. The pneumonia acquired in the hospital, especially when associated to the ventilation mechanics represents a great disgnostic challenge and therapeutical, thus optimum treatment for patients must be assured who for some reason had acquired the pneumonia. Knowing that the diagnosis and treatment of the pneumonia associated with the ventilation mechanics provide a bigger cost of what would be invested in its prevention, it is necessary then that the team is enabled to identify the signals and apparent symptoms in the interned patient and thus precociously to get the correct diagnosis since not infectious causes of these symptoms exist being able to confuse the diagnosis and in sequence not to reach I hesitate in its treatment.