Burnout Syndrome

Burnout Syndrome – destruction of sentience – at the end of the classical subject the present state of research to the Burnout Syndrome is not only inconsistent but also characterized as a massive trend of intellectual fragmentation. Lack of research especially on a contemporary anthropological approach (Anthropology). The sentience of the people was secured by shelters for the spirit and the religion in the time of modernity. If one should support but was generally binding collective regulations, so the people in the modern sense were however not completely burnt out and numb. After the collapse and the crisis of the classical subject of postmodernism, this increasingly occurring syndrome (such as the tip of the iceberg) shows us not only the sensibility of people educated by the digital capitalism (Martin p pole), but also the dead end of human development. The parents and the educators allow it, that the children and young people already at a young age by the Influence of media, particularly the Internet, must develop a disposition by an early sexuality and other heart effects to burn out the sentience.

Not by chance found this syndrome always more frequently already students. The formation of today’s society is more than inhuman and disgusting with their burnout. The Wall Street bankers are just the tip of the iceberg. A strategic mistake would be to weigh them alone the whole evil of society. The Burnout has many faces by the desires and instincts and affected more and more people! “On the subject of the future development prospects of the subject see also PAL Dragos: the future of homeopathy II – the metamorphosis of the subject”, Norderstedt, 2008. The homeopathic approach described in this book provides a great opportunity for the individual treatment of the consequences of the Burnout Syndrome.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome and inflammatory bowel disease – naturopathy treatment options for irritable bowel syndrome occur complaints such as pain in the abdominal area, Chair irregularities, Diarrho(Durchfall), constipation (constipation), and flatulence (Meteorism). There are some synonymous terms for the irritable bowel syndrome such as Irritables bowel syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome, irritable colon, Reizkolon and nervous bowel.Irritable bowel syndrome is caused often by a disturbed intestinal flora and organs which are involved in digestion (liver gall, pancreas), on intestinal flora disturbed by internal nerve irritation and inflammatory processes in the Verdauungstrakt.Eine is often caused by chemical drugs, especially by antibiotics, which together drop the entire microbial systems in the intestine.Also error sewing changes can trigger function to a disturbed intestinal floras. Especially hurts more diseases such as the reactive industrial sugar in excess which can disturbed intestinal flora Darmflora.Eine Cause arthritis of rheumatic shapes circle, liver disease, eczema, psoriasis and errors of the immune system.Severe inflammatory bowel disease such as Crohn’s disease Chron and ulcerative colitis often have a strongly derailed microbiological flora. “Therapeutic treatment approach for irritable bowel syndrome: 1 microbiological treatment symbiosis Steering: the bowel has a large surface area (approx. 400 sqm) which about 100 trillion helpers” (micro-organisms) houses. A major metabolic function that is similar to the liver’s metabolic organ comes the microflora of the intestine.

In biology, there is a displacement principle in simple terms it behaves so that pathogenic bacteria (pathogenic) and physiological micro-organisms to each other (health) out-competed them. “A healthy intestinal flora which consists of very many common germs, can multiply any pathogenic germs, because of the good” are displaced. By microbiological treatment Billions of living helpers (pure physiological microorganisms) dedicated to the patient as a remedy. This intestinal flora can build slowly up, pathogenic bacteria are displaced and the healthy metabolic capacity is increased. In severe intestinal disease how is Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis a symbiosis steering initiated here administered the microbiological treatment over a longer period of time. 2. troubleshooting other causes like lack of enzymatic capacity of the pancreas, lack of secretion of the liver biliary system, by means of homeopathy and phytotherapy.

3. nutritional therapy – a nutritional concept which positively influences the metabolic metabolism, is being developed. 4 there are natural Muzine plant substances that have a high percentage of Muzine (mucilage), which used to protect of the mucous membranes in the digestive tract are just inflammatory processes, which attack the intestinal mucosa, respond very well to a therapy with natural Muzinen. 5. Detox /. Detoxification of the intestine: covering an area of approximately 400 square meters lots poisonous toxins may accumulate which burden the body. These toxins are rejected by means of spagyric medicine, homeopathy, phytotherapy – Chinese herbal therapy. 6 selective ion exchange: some substances of mineral origin can bind toxins to itself, which are later excreted via the intestine. This relieves and also detoxifies the colon. Selective ion exchange simply explained-, a non-toxic ingredient in a toxic component to which the particular material is bound and thus later excreted through the intestines. Naturheilpraxis Stefan Halison practitioner with a focus on homeopathy