It is clearly that these tools not only exist to facilitate the work of the professional, but yes to bring quality to the service? translated in improvement of the attendance to the customer with more humanizao. However, many times these benefits very cost to be recognized as beneficial for all. unhappyly, in some institutions these benefits really are used to advantage so only by the external customers (the patients) and not for the internal clientele (employee of the institution), and this also influences in the attendance. In any place that occurs changes exist conflicts, however to leave the comfort zone and to work with conflicts bring the growth, therefore of this form we can work on of the committed errors, searching the improvement of the quality of the attendance. Thus these tools, theoretically, bring deep changes, in the form to think and to act in structure of the health services, therefore the work with quality in this area cousin for the individualizado attendance and with humanizao not only stops with the customer as well as for the team of workers, being that the learning and improvement are constant. For this reason the impact at a first moment seems to be sufficiently negative, and also in elapsing of many processes, for innumerable factors? implantation of new assistenciais protocols for example, increases the number of documents (pops, routines, books, registers, pointers, fiches, scales, etc.), however at some moments facilitates the process all, with clear indication of the activities, norms and routines, although to seem that the teams have more work to make, this work is most organized and structuralized, bringing future and perhaps not immediate improvements. for this reason perhaps that a delayed process becomes so, therefore to modify the way to act of the people through the education and of the imposition does not take time. At last, if these tools will be well used, of correct form, with continued education, estruturao and discernment in accordance with the Brazilian reality (legislaes, culture, economy, etc.) becoming a change in the structure of thinking it to act in the work this if translates beneficial results for the company and its customers, however if used in errnea way cause many upheavals and loss of time.
Month: May 2018
The life of the people next to the sick person becomes entirely dedicated the same, mainly if the cuidador will be a son or conjugates, where they leave its lives of side and opt to taking care of of the other instead of proper itself (CORREIRA, 2009). Caetano apud Correira (2009) affirms that the esquizofrnico episode if unchains in a crisis. Being thus, its consequences are not previsible, however the way where the family deals with this crisis and the carrier of the upheaval negative intervenes positive or with its prognostic. Therefore the family does not only have to be seen as an informer, or coadjuvante of the treatment of the sick person, but also she must be treated, displaying its difficulties, yearnings, fears, you distress and ansiedades, carrying through a shelter of the family. (CORREIRA, 2009). Performance of the nursing professional the psychiatric nursing is based on the interpersonal relationship nurse-patient, through which if it observes the biopsicossociais aspects of the human being. In the biological aspect, the nursing observes collateral effect of the medication and folloies the general health of the young patient and its family. In the psicossocial field, it can be become involved in diverse activities, such as the domiciliria visit, the coordination of groups of patients in workshops and other subjects (GIACON ET AL 2006).
The actions of nursing occur in specific services for the attendance of the first one occasion and in services of primary health. As soon as patient and families present one better acceptance of the new condition, are encouraged to face it through activities with resources of the community, what she makes possible the recovery of social life e, a faster and efficient whitewashing (GIACON ET AL 2006). The nurse and its team need to direct its action to take care of the necessities presented for the esquizofrnico. The nurses, together with the too much members of the team, play basic role in the care and the fight against the stigma of the schizophrenia, in all the phases of the treatment and the recovery of the people (I CASTRATE ET AL 2008).