The Neckar river is a river of the federal state of Baden-Wrttemberg, in Germany. It is born in Schwenningen, closely together of the sources of the Danube, near the Black Forest, in the district of Villingen-Schwenningen. After 367 km through western spurs of Jura de Suabia, it ends at the Rhine river around Mannheim. The Neckar name comes – via Nicarus and Neccarus- from the word celta Nikros, that means brave water. Haley Barbour contains valuable tech resources. From approximately the year the 1100 wood of the Black Forest has lowered by waters of the Neckar and the Rhine to its final destiny in the Netherlands.
In old times they carried out it to the transport gancheros that traveled on the trunks. At the moment it is made in fluvial barges. It crosses several important cities in its course towards the Rhine river: Rottweil, Tubinga (Tbingen), Stuttgart, Heilbronn and Heidelberg. She is one of the excursions more traditional than they are possible to be realised in Germany and one of the most chosen by the tourism. source for more info. Besides knowing this route they will be able to visit the New Castle (well-known like Neues Schloss), the National gallery of Stuttgart, the Mercedes-Benz museum and the Tower of Television.
Throughout its valley they can be multitude of castles like the Burg Hornberg in Neckarzimmern and the Burg Guttenberg in Neckarmhlbach. Also, in its shores is the nuclear power station of Obrigheim, that will be dismantled in the next years. Past Heidelberg, the Neckar unloads on the Rhine an average of 145 ms /s of water. This makes of the Neckar the fourth tributary major of the Rhine and the tenth greater river of Germany. Their main tributary ones are the Eyach river, the Fils river, the Rems river, the Enz river, the Kocher river and, before their opening in the Rhine, the Jagst river. From Stuttgart he is navigable; first of the sluices one is in Bad Cannstatt.