United Nations Global Compact

Image campaign for youth choice initiative U18 United communications Berlin, March 2009 united communications has developed an image campaign for the U18 youth choice initiative. The biggest political education initiative for children and young people of in Germany aims to inspire young people to politics. You should learn to recognize differences and questioning promises, as well as find liking to be active. U18 is the implementation of an own Bundestag election, nine days before the official election day. With the image campaign, the network U18 in the leading children’s and youth organizations have joined forces, wants to win more supporters. Three motifs, which are available as ads, postcards, banners, posters and large posters are used. Educate yourself with thoughts from Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr..

The ads are off immediately in publications of the organizations belonging to the network of U18. In addition, U18 hopes on pro-bono circuits in other media. With three motifs U18 youth choice initiative makes to the Bundestag election attention for everyone under 18. In the headlines’ newly created politician name and party symbol and rows together political positions. They target both intellect and humor. With motifs U18 presents itself as an exceptional and very friendly initiative in the otherwise mostly gloomy political environment”, explains Peter link, Senior Account Director of united communications. In a question-answer forum Carl Jung was the first to reply.

The image campaign is aimed mainly at multipliers, such as parents, teachers, educators, leaders, street team, youth clubs and associations. Ahmed Shary Rahman brings even more insight to the discussion. Candida Sanchez, spokesperson of the U18 network: we are currently looking for more supporters for U18. “but of course we want to draw attention also sponsors, media and the policy on us.” Initially the ads are switched in the publications of the participating organisations, they should, but appear also in other titles. In addition, there are posters, large posters, postcards and online banner. Among the supporters at the federal level so far: German Federal Youth Council (DBJR), German children’s charity, the Protestant youth in Germany e.V. (aej), German youth fire brigade, Federal of Scouts and Scout e.V. (BdP), Association of Christian pfadfinderinnen und Pfadfinder (VCP) e.V., YMCA (YMCA). United communications: The Berlin Agency supports businesses and NPOs with creative brand communication. The customers and references including Olympus Europe, Olympus Germany, ViewSonic Europe, HVB Immobilien AG / UniCredit group, citizen watch Europe, eBay, Volkswagen AG, NABU, Casio, Philips, Pronuptia Paris, Christian Lacroix, European Commission and Berlin among partners. United communications is a member of the following organizations: United Nations Global Compact, ComVort (international advertising agency network), Forum corporate publishing and Federal Association of German foundations. Press contact: Gunhild Floter, Peter link, Manfred Grossert of united communications Ltd.

Mobile Stands Pop Up – Right Stands

Participation in the exhibition with a good exhibition equipment is extremely important for promotional and marketing purposes. Using a mobile exhibition equipment in recent years has been a noticeable trend among exhibitors. Not surprisingly, mobile design make it possible to reuse the exhibition equipment as opposed to permanent exhibition building, which used only one times. One of the most convenient mobile stands is considered to be mobile stand POP UP. The design of our POP UP mobile exhibition stands correspond to the present level of technical design.

It is based on light, collapsible aluminum support structure on the type of 'umbrella'. Mobile stands POP UP can be installed on a large exhibition of graphic image with the least difficulty. On sale are various mobile stands POPUP sizes, they can be used depending on the requirements of the premises for various events, and their advantage is portability. Mobile exhibition stands POP UP is easy assembled and disassembled, convenient and easy to transport. They are placed in a light box-cases, and their quality makes it possible to use them for many years. Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr.s opinions are not widely known. By applying to its activities a mobile exhibition stands POPUP, you automatically create a space to bring to such a stand of potential customers. These stands look professional isozdayut great first impression, which seeks to generate any business. Ahmed Shary Rahman understands that this is vital information.

Graphic panels for stands can be made of different materials – plastic, vinyl, banner fabric, paper. On magnetic collapsible ribs are fixed to roll flexible graphic panels. The design of mobile stand POP UP folded form takes up little space and fits in a box platform with graphic panels and accessories. Boxing platform is also used for exhibitions, as promostol. Mobile stands Pop Up can be supplemented by useful accessories. Thus, the light support significantly affects the perception of advertising images, there are special lights for mounting on top of the stands to Pop Up. Buying a mobile booth will be a great investment POPUP, that you make in your business. These stands are not only creating an image, but also designed for repeated use. Preobretya once mobile stand Pop Up, you will be provided with a convenient long exhibition vehicle, which is also useful for many activities. Use a mobile booth POPUP be in any room. You can put it in your office and use for presentations during business meetings, etc. Using diverse stands POPUP addition, you can supplement them with other advertising structures, small banner stands and Brochure Holder. Buying a mobile stand POP UP, make sure the material and size that you chosen are suitable for long-term use. Choose mobile stands well-known brands – it will be the key to the success of long-term investment in a marketing program for your company. All mobile stands POP UP portable, lightweight and easy to carry, the system is very robust and high quality. We offer 3 types of mobile stands POP UP: Spring, click, Sel. Our phone: (495) 646 08 00, 580 39 22 Address: Moscow, Kosmodamianskaya nab., 4

Marketing Trend 2013

The customer touch point management during new business social media and the mobile Web have provided the laws of the business world in a very short time on the head. Previously companies distributing their advertising monologues in the market, the customers listened dutifully and bought then. Today it is the other way around. Customers buy, tell others about it and bring to act as third parties. Now, it is the provider who should listen to successfully master their touch points. We live in a society of the recommendation to achieve the future in our beautiful, new business world, must be rewritten to sales and marketing.

Because at the beginning and at the end of a purchase process word of mouth and referrals are increasing. Was really good and get people committed to carry this!” This is the new business mantra. Links and likes are the new currency. Consumers are the new marketer. zer is the place to go. And Google is the new world’s conscience. Who survive in the economy of this recommendation? That is decided in the moments of truth ‘ (Jan Carlzon) at the points of contact between supplier and customer.

What do need to do so? in tool that makes quick and agile, that grabs the abundance of old and new touch points in a system of order and social’ and mobile’ fully integrated. A tool that reduces complexity, which acts from the perspective of customers and actively integrates them into their new role as co-creator. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Anu Saad and gain more knowledge.. The customer touch point management is one such tool. Touch points are moments of truth ‘ touch points occur everywhere where is a (potential) customer with the products, brands, employees and services of a provider in touch. While the indirect touch points such as opinion portals, user forums, reviews, blog posts and tweets play an increasingly important role. These are also called earned touch points’, because the providers themselves can not buy these, but earn through their actions.

Give Aways – Advertising With High Spreading Width

Cheap promotional items such as give aways increase significantly the chances of winning new customers popular giveaway items for new customer acquisition. Give aways are the cheap promotional items and are often used for acquiring new customers. Among the classic give aways are popular primarily as pens, lighters, lanyards or notepads. These promotional items used typically by companies in large quantities, to demand a wide circle of consumers. Give aways offered relatively cheap and suitable not only for use at trade shows.

Give with respect to the normal giveaways aways do not always have a company logo or a slogan, which is to encourage the customer to buy. Very often, products are selected, which can be also inserted in the daily routine. Through the practical use, the customer remembers daily to the company, and by applying a corporate logo, the company is recognized in addition by other people. So give aways the necessary success show that should advertising be selected appropriately possible whenever the occasion. he topic at hand. The use of different give aways promises much success freely available provided for the customers. Especially at trade fairs or events, companies can produce multiple products, such as coffee cups, lighters and pens. Either companies can without slogan choose the give aways, or make them with a funny and clever advertising slogan, and in addition bring the company logo. For every occasion and every season give offered aways, which can be adapted to the respective requirements.

At Christmas time, there are for example sweet chocolate panels tinfoil characters or delicious cookies, which are distributed at Christmas markets. By the imprint of the logo, the give aways immediately fall in the eye. Most companies opt increasingly for the products which in addition have a practical use. The ballpoint pen is always because this is used for the advertising products no. 1, daily from private households and in the commercial sector.

Growing Globally

Banners broker operates very successfully since the year 2010 in the online advertising market. The idea of banner broker is as simple as it is ingenious: exists on the one hand a growing market in the area of online advertising with many website operators, who use banner advertising want on the one hand, to increase the traffic on your site, on the other hand, to make their page for advertising available and to recoup that extra money. On the other hand, there are numerous small investors who wanted to make money in a serious way. What so obvious to bring together these groups? How many business ideas started this on a small scale. The market was already was large and most continue to grow.

Chris Smith, a Canadian IT specialist, recognized the enormous potential and everything did, to revolutionize the Internet advertising world. You may want to visit Carl Rogers to increase your knowledge. At that time, about 10 large broker controlled the entire network, in which available advertising space in auctions have been offered. Rates were dependent on the number of visitors of different Web pages set, the advertiser either could or not also afford. The system was similar to the paid ads in daily newspapers and weeklies or monthlies. Ever more attractive the sheet and the placement of the switching on, the higher the price. Money was so reserved to a few people. Smith’ first step was, agree this his idea to introduce successful brokers. A single recognized the enormous potential and dared the cooperation.

Banners broker was born. Chris Smith created a computer algorithm to sell packages of existing advertising spaces to individuals and to link advertisers. The buyer could then make money with the rented space. But that was not all yet. To increase the number of places for advertising, he created a pool to finance. This increased the share of that market, which was previously controlled by a few large brokers the number of these ad spaces, grew increasingly. Is banners broker just for people with lots of money? For small investors who have unique arose now Opportunity to benefit from the expanding network. Have been extremely limited, the possibilities to earn money on the Internet so now all of a sudden, this changed. Banners broker has nothing to do with MLM or network marketing. The success speaks for itself: 99% of all participants are since the beginning with banners broker and that will earn it every day more, on this kind of money initially as income, which is however becoming more common with the time to the main source of income. Today, approximately 300,000 affiliates (affiliates) involved in this has banners broker. By the growing success of become aware of other established broker on this model. One of the biggest broker of Internet advertising declined initially a collaboration now he has changed his mind. Currently this agent’s it systems are connected with those banners broker, allows for what a further growth of the company and thus earn money for many more people. You want to know more about banners broker? Here you will find more Information: bannersbroker24.info press contact: Andreas Zenker online marketing Mr. Andreas Zenker Red Maple way 13 06188 Landsberg fon…: 034604928676 web…: andreas-zenker.

If You Have A Commercial Website, And Want To Optimize Your Sales, Follow These Tips

One of the most common errors committed by owners of commercial Web sites is not to give the prospect a free sample of the products or services sold from their site. take note of some tips to optimize your sales. Never ever try to sell: Most Internet users like you and I enter the Internet for information, information that can help a subsequent purchase so my recommendation is that you must first give useful information and preferably free, that will help you build credibility and trust with your prospects, as well as your information is always trying to solve a problem, that people love and loyalty you for long. It delivers a taste of what you sell: As we all know but many people are buying on the Internet, this environment continues to be impersonal and there is always a reluctance to make purchases online, so always try to give a sample of the Product or Service these promotions, for example if you are promoting a series of videos on any topic can provide free one chapter or a sample cut from this, this works the same way for books, software, etc. You find out a bit more of the product, its benefits and increase the chances of purchase. Provide guarantees your Product Purchase: This is critical when businesses succeed in the Internet, as you know the people through basic instinct is like to feel protected when making a purchase and this applies equally businesses off the Internet and the best guarantee is to ensure a refund for a given time. If the product does not meet your expectations of the buyer simply return the money, or else you can suggest another product to deliver in exchange for an equal or greater value, it does encourage the buyer to buy and you do not have the feeling that may be throwing money away. Summarizing the human being by nature needs to see, touch and listening, for both Internet to show the product, accompanied with photos, audio or video increases dramatically the possibilities for sales of any product or service online..

Premiumsystem SycoTec

Marketing agency created a campaign for a new Premiumsystem to the facade design safe as a symbol for maximum protection Rohrbach / Freising (mh) a company a new product on the market launches. Already this provided the groundwork for sustainable market success. Repeatedly make only companies but the experience that it is not enough”to have an innovation. A launch will be strategically planned and implemented advertising technical professional. As a campaign of ADVERMA advertising & Marketing GmbH for the HASIT dry mortar GmbH and their new Premiumsystem SycoTec.

What were for days when it was enough to have a good product and want to sell this… There, the marketing pre-programmed was child’s play and success in the market. Nowadays bring but also many other premium goods and services on the market. A top of the line is therefore no longer enough to stand out in an increasingly tough competition to and claim. The modern and successful marketing credo therefore, with a strong market and brand image to evoke emotion and not just to sell products. The specialists of the advertising agency ADVERMA (www.adverma.de) near Pfaffenhofen in the metropolitan area between Munich and Ingolstadt provide the crucial emotional touch to the marketing HASIT campaign demonstrated that it is possible even for purely technical products, give one of the special strengths of the Baba think tank.

The Premiumsystem SycoTec for facade design and protection of the Freisinger HASIT dry mortar GmbH (www.hasit.de) as a specialist for innovative system products for the building once again sets new standards. This central message to communicate effectively and easy was the task for our agency”, explains Nora Kammerl, the responsible client Advisor at ADVERMA. As a symbol of the unique protection function by SycoTec is the vault. Everyone knows that in valuables such as money, jewellery, etc. are best. The safe maximum security embodied in the campaign also for facades, which are also valuable to their owners.

Advertising Of Organic Products

Advertising should be used to thank existing customers for the previous business relationship and to attract new customers by advertising. However, the use of giveaways as advertising material not by all customers is welcomed, because often these products are considered environmental sins. Made of plastic, they often end up in the garbage, if the recipient cannot use the goods. Modern advertising agencies show that there is another way. Bessel van der Kolk often expresses his thoughts on the topic. Not only offer promotional products made of plastic or other materials, but companies can decide also for organic products made from recycled material. Eco advertising are also just as versatile as classical advertising.

The most commonly used products in this area are recycled eco-bags, which can be issued for purchases or at fairs to customers. The same applies for notepads from eco-friendly materials, which have already found their way to many companies. Are also some exceptional Eco-products available. These include, for example, advertising cups made of recycled plastic, with those companies when their counterparts can score. When the company specialize even high-quality ecological products, the use of such advertising materials is mandatory. Even recycled acrylic Keychain can be ordered and offer as well as normal”keychain plenty of space for your own message. Companies that want to provide textiles with the logo your customers or employees, can also rely on eco textiles. These shirts of organic cotton are comfortable to wear and still fashionable. And the best thing is: you spread the advertising message anytime, anywhere.