
According to Viegas (2005), based in the thought of Edgar Morin (1999), the complexity, directed toward the ambient education can be understood as the negation of two paradigms: the cartesian one, that it all divides in parts and the holistic one, that only visualizes all. For Morin we must very have a vision beyond these paradigms, being the complexity the visualization of the reality. When understanding the visualized reality, another new reality is presented in them creating anelamento consequentemente enters the understanding of the reality and the construction of the reality, generating a constant uncertainty of the knowledge. Morin (1999) tries to explain the complexity through principles. One of them is turned toward the order, clutter and organization of the auto-organization systems.

Being able to be understood from the relations between all and the part, being all superior the addition of the parts, at the moment where it does not obtain to understand the separate reality of all. But it also can be inferior, limiting the expression of elements, and at the same time different of the addition of the parts, because both when isolated they become different of when are part of the system. The complexity is the constant transformation created by the order and clutter in the system, produced for unexpected reactions, action and consequentemente interactions. In this direction the world understanding must be become free of the paradigm simplified-reducionista, that separates nature, society, thought and feeling, in disabling to dialogue critically on the organized world. Practical the ambient educators must be intent its still alicerado in the simplified-reducionista paradigm. According to Guimares, (2004) we must, as future ambient educators, to carry through an exercise of disruption of the traps that the paradigms present in them. In the current ticket, of modernity for after-modernity, he has a great necessity of a more complex thought.