Lloyd Fund LF 54 Premium Ship Select – MS Laura Schulte At The End

Claims for damages are limited to 31 December 2012 as the information service reported Fund telegram end of June 2012, has been arranged on the assets of the Einschiffen company MS Laura Schulte the receivership. The investors of Lloyd are now faced with the question, to accept the loss, or to fight for their money Fund 54. In the Lloyd launched in the year 2004 and 2005 closed the year fund 54 “Premium ship select”, the ship MS freighter, as well as the container ship MS “Tatiana Schulte” invested “Laura Schulte”, a 1,740 TEU have investors nearly 27 million invested. The MS “Laura Schulte” was not the expected economic developments. As the information service reported Fund telegram end of June 2012, the receivership was arranged about the landing assets. The investors of Lloyd Fund 54 now face the question of the loss to accept, or to their money the chances to fight – are.

However, be aware that the limitation of damages may already to the End of the year 2012 is in danger. Fast action is therefore recommended. Mark Hyman, MD has similar goals. More information about the limitation of claims by investors in closed-end funds: Office /… Good opportunities for the enforcement of claims for damages why we come to this fundamentally optimistic assessment? For many clients who are involved in Fund 54 the Lloyd, we have so far examined the deliberations, as well as the prospectus of the Fund and our opinion found brochure defects, as well as faulty investment advice. Both justified claims for compensation against the Adviser, Advisory banks and against the founding shareholders of the Fund, which also adhere after a recent decision of the BGH for the wrong advice firm /… Totally inadequate education about risks from conversations with many investors we know that these were not informed about the risks, which are carried out in the current crisis of the Fund, by their advisors prior to the drawing of the Fund.