Large buildings that were built throughout history have always been a source of admiration. this is true both at baseline on which were built as at present, but they stand out much more those that were built long ago, because in those days there were not many facilities that are currently ready yet reached levels of beauty and admiration too high, they are also very fine structures, solid and sturdy, even with the passage of time and possible confrontations have disappeared. These magnificent creations of men who have attained perpetuity throughout history are the castles, with its monumental structures and styles of medieval times, the best known, and other times much more remote, have earned the admiration people. Speaking of castles, the first thing that comes to mind of people are big buildings with high walls, with the idea of forming walls and were surrounded by wells to prevent passage of intruders and large bridges that allowed easy access to the castle and stood inside other structures, suitable both to the war as beautiful rooms that made people feel a magical world, but this image of the castle is usually confused with other structures such as palaces, citadels and forts. Therefore to avoid confusion when talking about the castle is good to give a precise concept about these great buildings, so referring the castles is to be understood a structure formed by a group of buildings that are surrounded by a large and strong rampart of considerable height to impede access, then the first thing you see past the walls is the parade ground, around the east are a number of agencies and among these must be at least a tower use for the purpose of living in it. Most castles were built long colon, which was very useful for the purpose for which built most of the castle, which was to have a strong and powerful means of defense against attacks of various enemies. It is true that the first castles that were built were very simple and many have fallen to the various attacks which were victims, however, with time advancing technology and a better view of both the war and the architecture allowed the emergence of best castles, with conditions optimal for war, such progress was due to the Romans, who began to build structures with an area of a rectangular shape with rounded corners, the towers, “which permitted use of better so the stone for building, optimizing the defense and offered a better range to meet the attacks. Thanks to the above features many castles were victorious by presenting the various confrontations and thus able to endure over time and now appear not as sites of war but as monuments of great attraction..