It is understood that the national government shall ensure to ensure the rights of the provinces as integral parts of the country. This guarantee is called “federal guarantee.” This guarantee means that the nation must protect:? The historical identity of each provincial government. The legal status of each provincial government. The autonomy of each province. Equality between the provinces.
National unity and inner peace. Equitable economic development. After this little but clear explanation of how we have become a federal state, I will explain the main point of my topic. To start taking data and per capita GDP (gross domestic product) of some of the provinces that compose the national territory. Demonstrates the sharp difference between each of them as not serving a federal guarantees. The poorest provinces of our country is Santiago de Estero to $ 1,746 per person, including remains found at Formosa and Chaco $ 2,068 to $ 2,197 per capita, then located Salta with $ 2,375 per person and Jujuy (2404) . With a per capita income between 4000 and found $ 4,500 in the provinces of Mendoza, Santa Fe, Cordoba, San Luis (4462) and Black River. Then find the provinces of Chubut with $ 5,331 and one of the richest provinces of Argentina, Neuquen to $ 6,546 per capita. The second richest province in the country is the most southern Tierra del Fuego, where the GDP amounts to $ 11,944, finally, the Federal Capital, with $ 14,767. As an example we can make a comparison between the Argentine provinces and some countries around the world, for example: $ 1746 Santiago del Estero.