Alexander Angelov is clear to all that is necessary to make everything that medicine is no longer in business – an interest in a healthy, not sick, the patient! On a global scale and with a large modern self-interest – it is possible only when correcting egoism – the interest of everyone in the health of all (as in one family). The crisis will reveal the interdependence of each against all, and then we will create a medical insurance benefit man. Michael Laitman One-third of the money from the Obama administration to stimulation economy, will be used to overcome the crisis in the U.S. medicine. But let's see what the background of this crisis? To save money, patients were less likely to visit doctors because every visit in addition to insurance requires extra money. As a result of artificially increased the price of insurance. Has also increased the number of expensive tests, drugs and procedures for each individual disease. Therefore, following the the rapid rise in unemployment is expected to guard the huge patient in need of public health insurance.
Hospitals, as well as banks, and the automotive industry, are in poor condition. A the government is trying to save the situation, using the same methods that brought medicine in crisis. This resembles the situation where a person working a huge hammer and damaging the walls, were asked to not changing sensitive tool to repair a Swiss watch. It is not difficult to foresee what will result. So what is the main reason for the crisis? It is – in our ego, which every day increases.