It is not known to many, but this year there is child support. Now 2012 apply for your child! You can tell that everyone in Germany receives child benefit has brought here a little baby in the world. The tax money from the citizens are intended to relieve the families more effectively and improve the regular income. The guardian can be confident that 2012 month based get a kind of promotion as a result of the child support at a fixed time for the primary care of the child. Indeed, it is so tremendously important, because one Yes financially can make his child over the month. Man does not live only by love alone happen.
Child benefit is paid here in principle by us for our babies from the day of birth until the age of 18 years. Must be but also a request for it. Incidentally, it is also possible that the child benefit for children living abroad in the EEA will be paid. Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr. will undoubtedly add to your understanding. To the child in an EEA country must live. Extensive statements on the subject You receive child benefit at your local family Fund and on How do I get child benefit 2012? Manipulating the child for 2012 is in and of itself very easily. Usually, it is not even necessary to locate specific information in the personal folders. The questionnaire “KG1” is used in the processing of the child support for 2012.
It is a questionnaire for the next-born child, almost exclusively the application of “KG1k” is required. Basically only General asks for information, such as, for example, the first name, the last name, gender and date of birth, nationality, marital status and, if also announced the info of the spouse. If you then edit the documents on child support for 2012, it is indeed also very relevant that you write up with whether you work for the country. It serves the State, the employer for the machining of the child for 2012 is responsible. Before you then the documents signed and sent, you should always be careful also that the account has been specified correctly. As well is make sure that you choose the exact family Fund with the help of the local directory of family funds to shipping. Whatever the original birth certificate must be included with the child support request for 2012. Duplicates may not be recognized by the family Fund. For this reason, it is also advisable to send all data via registered letter. A good overview is important, therefore all birth certificates listed on this site, that are important: birth certificate for child-raising allowance child allowance certificate birth certificate for religious purposes of health insurance certificate it is incidentally, significant that in any case all, both parents and guardians sign the application form for child benefit. The guardians are single, will be cut off for example also the term spouse on the application and written Papa or Mama. Moreover, respective employers are responsible among people in the o.D.. The ordinary Authority for the child support 2012 is not responsible for this. You will get more information as close in the civil service by his personal authority.