The simple life I think everything in life is good if you know to good use. However, today in our society, a high percentage of its members, particularly a part of youth, misuses and abuses of certain substances in the desire to saturate their senses dangerous and wild sensations. The ad claims become glamorous exciting campaigns that contain a subliminal message that attracts and captures subtle, especially our youth. Youth who want to feel good, your air, and making a different line, renewed, innovative, normal, Wise is a new tree of life who come to renew the branches and bore fruit. They come to like their predecessors, with their work life, their harvest, the fruit and this is where many do not see the reality and we believe we are wrong to be different and being young is to live in debauchery, without moral order and unethical, in irresponsibility.
We realize that with that attitude we are gradually becoming part of a flock, which more than liberal, is submissive to the demands excited, without realizing it, makes us subjects and servants of the substance and often the habit of addiction and vice, at a time that makes us slaves of disembodied beings in the physical life were addicted to some vice and from the Furthermore we are used to satisfy their psychological dependence. For every vice or habit anchor at both ends, one to physical dependence and the other psychics. It anchored many a vicious dependency they say: "It's like something in my mind urged me to do it." The appeal to his fellow man alike. .