It nailed to the education of the virtue and the practical one of the contemplation. The main questions presented for Plato in its philosophy are: the concern with the politics and the routes of the State, the ethics, the aesthetic one, distrusts of the directions and refuses the ticket of the sensation to the concept, is not interested for the study of the nature, anticipates it the method of Discardings (1596 – 1650) and believes a world transcendente, where they are the innate ideas (been born with us) in which if concentrates all the reality, reason verwhelms and destroys the passions. To leave the cave is to reach the world of the ideas (It hisses, 2011). 3.PERODO SYSTEMATIC Extended of the end of century IV C to century III C, with the pretension to congregate and systemize the knowledge acquired in the previous periods (Chaui, 2003). The great prominence of this period was Aristotle.
Aristotle (384-322 C) was born catorze years after the death of Scrates, in the city of Estagira, a colony Greek in the coast of the Thracian (Bergman, 2004). Its father, Nicmaco, were doctor of the cut of the king of the Macedonian. To dezessete years he was sent to study in Atenas, with its Plato teacher. Aristotle, exactly being disciple of Plato, does not go to agree to its thought presenting one another look on the philosophy that if characterizes for: naturalistic vocation, comment of the physical world concrete, where the concepts are taken off of the experience by means of the evidence, if interests for the study of the nature, the true knowledge comes of experience, the reason governs and dominates the passions. ' ' It swims is in the mind that has not passed for sentidos' ' (It hisses, 2011). It considered the first classification of the types of knowledge; it defined that substance and form were real (opposing its Plato professor, for who the substance were only unreal copy of the form? Idea).