Luck Issue

Avoiding random has nothing to do with playing lotteries, bingos or card games, but is concerned that if we want to succeed in a specific area we should take control of circumstances. How to do it? Well, to take control, it is necessary to go giving a series of small steps, then medium-sized steps, then steps long, run and then fly with our projects. Andrew Corentt in his book the secret of the power of goals tells us that a goal requires ongoing commitment to make the ideas work, then how take control? Control is taken to the extent that we work on the basis of clearly defined goals and objectives, all book on achievement of goals will tell you that the fundamental principle of culminating a goal must be clearly define what they want to, when you know what you want to set a guide, an address, therefore we have a vision of what we want and all that translate it into concrete actions. Read more from Michio Kaku to gain a more clear picture of the situation. Goals define where and when, but they must be formulated properly, in the book the secret of the Power of goals is defined a very precise methodology, that we are fulfilling each goal and remove the excuses of our life, our subconscious mind is taking power and has clear what are our purposes. On the contrary when we have no discipline we began to make a complete mess of our lives and every day see further the realization of our goals. We create our world and make it through the predominant thoughts we have added to our emotions, why when we talk about goals must feel a beautiful emotional state, only to imagine how what we feel when we have achieved our vision. Ahmed Shary Rahman pursues this goal as well. Remember that you are not at the mercy of chance, or of circumstances, you can actually control your universe, the way to achieve it is doing so in a systematic manner with appropriate techniques.

The Secret Of Success In MLM

According to statistics, only between 3 and 5% of people that start a MLM business reaches the first year. Therefore, between 95 and 97% of these entrepreneurs desist you ever wondered why? What is the problem? The problem is that most of those who start an MLM business has not the slightest idea of how to do the Marketing of your business. There are hundreds of books that talk about the advantages and benefits of this industry and large fortunes that you can have, but almost no one tells you how to make that fortune. The encouraging news is that statistics also tell us that 95% of those who persevere in this industry, after 10 years reach the fortunes they dreamed. Where is the error? The error is in that 21st century can not work with tools and methods that were valid 60 years ago, when this industry began to develop.

The techniques that you said that you have that make a list of phones, hosting meetings, offer your business to all people, starting with your friends and family, now already not working. Times have changed, the old strategies have become obsolete and are now irrelevant. If we do not update us and started using new technologies and methods, we will be one more within that vast majority of people who give up before the first year. On the other hand, Internet has now created a whole universe of opportunities for all, in which we can literally reinvent our lives and turn a simple idea into a successful business, with very little money and in some cases without any investment. What we have to do? Currently with the increasingly high number of people that join MLM companies, we have to do is be different differentiate us from others. How? If do not want to be one seller of your MLM company. If you want to be an entrepreneur, owner of your business and your time, the first thing that you have that do is to acquire the knowledge and tools needed to succeed in the modern and competitive market of today and then you have to find a way to be invited to the world of your prospects as if you were someone special, rather than be avoided like a plague.

In today’s economy there are two options to build your MLM business: keep using the old method of telephoning and contacted a lot of people to achieve a sale, this is using the old and traditional survey techniques; and it is what 95% of people do. Or you can position yourself in the market so that interested persons to seek you and to contact you. You have to become an expert and a leader that others see as reference and want to continue. You have to become a magnet that attracts people because you have value in other words and as we have heard it many times: you become the prey, not be the Hunter.


What really ensures the achievement of wealth of Internet? You might be surprised though you really isn’t it. To acquire the wealth of Internet and everything which allows you to do (or not do) need this: beating of drum please a plan, realistic expectations, constant work, and patient perseverance. Gain insight and clarity with Dr. Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr.. Yep, here. This is not the system, isn’t in the ascending line, this is not the product, and this is not surely the magic, which are the things that are most seen in ads for opportunities if, those things are important (except the magic, of course), but only with that nothing is guaranteed. The best of each one of them does not mean anything without a realistic plan, realistic expectations of the instruments and their capabilities, and the constant work and perseverance. The system is there as a tool for you to use and this should provide all the basic elements for controlling a business (training promotion, list, content, address), but you must properly work this and give time to the time to work. You must have the knowledge and the ability to put realistic steps to achieve each day, week, and month. The progress of the principle will be slow and difficult as when you were a child you first started walking. Later you will be able to walk and then run. Accept where you are at each stage and go with the flow, perseveres, but practice patience. Your upline is also an instrument and should provide the plan and help you navigate the obstacles in the movement from today to tomorrow where you understand what this means owning a business and is aware of the career of a business that uses this system. They can help you to achieve this important goal in less, but they will not do the work for you by. Finally, the product is important because it is the one that generates its income.