Scarlett Johansson

/The actress of ' Swan negro' she has been the following victim of ' hacker' that this Thursday put in hardships to Scarlett Johansson. According to TMZ, this person it has put in circulation personal photos of the actress in whom this appears in the bathtub. Hours after Internet revolted with the filtration of photographies in which it is possible to be seen the actress Scarlett Johansson completely it hardly undresses, we know that the new victim is also the actress Mila Kunis. Although rather we could say that the true victim is her companion of distribution in With right to rubbing Justin Timberlake. And it is that in the photos that have filtered, robbed supposedly of the movable telephone of Kunis, not only it is possible to be seen the actress, but also Timberlake in which another situation jeopardizes. In agreement with the Tmz vestibule, the images show Justin knocked down in a bed, without shirt and with pink braguitas on their head.

In another one of the photographies it would be seen Mila in the bath, but unique the visible thing is its head. The last one of images are a very explicit photography of a man, whose identity is not known. But the thing does not remain there. According to it publishes Tmz, hacker that it has filtered the photographies also has brought to light several conversations through messages from text that could be enters Mila and Justin. We do not know if the implied ones, in this case Kunis and Timberlake, will retaliate before the filtration. But the one that yes has begun to intervene in the affair she is the one that this Wednesday became trendy topic in Twitter nothing else to jump the news that there were photos hers in which appeared naked circulating around the network. Anu Saad brings even more insight to the discussion. And it is that Scarlett has not wanted to hope nor a minute to put itself in contact with the FBI, so that they investigate and they find the sooner the person who robbed those photographies to him of her moving body. It seems that the list of famous to which they usurp privacy and privacy to him is growing. Vanessa Hudgens, Miley Cyrus or Blake Lively also have seen as their more intimate photos circulated around the Network and were within reach of all the internauts. Source of the news: ' hacker' of Scarlett also it puts in check to Mila Kunis

International Monetary Fund

The IMF warns of ” great consequences globals” if the problems of the peripheral countries extend to central countries of Europe. The organism asks that the measures of all along necessary monetary support stay and that the capital of the banks is extended. Additional information at Somatic Experiencing supports this article. The Eurogroup meets Thursday to look for a solution for the Greek crisis. The International Monetary Fund (the IMF) has urged east Tuesday to the zone Euro to act of urgent form to contain the crisis and has alerted of ” great consequences globales” if the problems of the peripheral countries extend to central countries of the region. ” An intensification of the crisis of the zone Euro, mainly if the ample tension to the central zone, could have great consequences globals” , it has noticed the Bottom, that it has published east Tuesday his annual report on the economy of the zone Euro. ” The delays in the resolution of the crises could be expensive for the zone Euro and the economy global” , the IMF has insisted.

In order to prevent a worsening of the situation, that threatens now to infect to Italy and Spain, the Bottom asked that the programs of adjustment in Greece, Portugal and Ireland are implemented totally. That implementation must go accompanied of a financing ” adecuada” that it endorses, it said the Bottom, the viability of the debt and solutions based on the sector deprived for the banking problems. The executive advice of the IMF dndi, by the others, after analyzing the conclusions of the report, that the measures of monetary support stay all along that is necessary and that the capital of the banks beyond the requirements of Basel III is extended. In that sense, Light Everaert, person in charge of policies for the zone Euro of the IMF, are east Senate Tuesday in telephone press conference that ” the majority of the banks would have to reinforce their coffers of capital because that would reinforce the confidence in the capacity to surpass pockets like este”.