Bravo Murillo Vitaldent

Specialists of Bravo Murillo Vitaldent been responsible for responding to all the questions that have been coming to us through our online Office. In this post we will do an overview on the most viewed as whitening, halitosis or tooth sensitivity issues, and responses from Vitaldent Bravo Murillo. -Sara asks the experts from Vitaldent Bravo Murillo on tooth whitening: Hello, I wonder how would the process of dental unblanqueamiento. A related site: Jacob Elordi mentions similar findings. I have stained teeth, but does not take coffee or smoking, it is since childhood. From Bravo Murillo Vitaldent respond: Hello Sara, tooth bleaching processes are customized. The process, depending on the treatment, can be performed with laser (quick white) and is done at clinic, as Vitaldent Bravo Murillo, or using splints to the patient makes it at home. Other treatment and that it is not about teeth whitening is the use of veneers, which are situated these pasting them strongly by an adhesive using a light polishing of dental pieces.

You can requested more information in our Center of attention to the patient, 900.10.10.01, from where we will manage a free first visit to Vitaldent Bravo Murillo to facilitate diagnosis and estimate without obligation. -Estibaliz: Good morning! I always have bad taste in the mouth for what I suspect that I suffer from bad breath. What is the cause and the solution? Thank you. Vitaldent Bravo Murillo: Estimated Estibaliz: halitosis is a problem that affects much of the population, and many people do not perceive. You have the advantage that has been given account and that is the first step to fix it. The main causes of halitosis are the problems in the mouth, presence of caries and mainly what we know as periodontal disease, commonly called pyorrhea. It is not necessary that the pyorrhea is very advanced so that already produce halitosis. In nuestraclinica Vitaldent Bravo Murillo, we perform a series of complimentary diagnostic tests to detect the causes of the same when the motive is oral.