If you add up the client base of all Russian banks that will roughly the same picture. Most banks persistence supplement client base who visited every visitor. In fact, 'voluntary' banking services (excluding utility payments, payroll, etc.) use only about 42% of the population, and Regular customers of the banks are not more than 20% of the population. It is important to carefully consider the intensity of consumption in different segments, that is to sort out who should be considered as regular customers, and who enjoys financial services sporadically. In the absence of this information it is impossible to calculate the index of 'customer lifetime value', ie the amount of profit generated by the client throughout his life. In turn, this Information is the basis for a communication strategy of pressure on the segments. In other words, the strategic value of the bank's major disloyal customer may be much lower than the value of a small but loyal customers. How can this be expressed in numbers? Short comparative example.
In Russia, there are 1.2 million families with an income of $ 2000-5000 per person per month. Aggregate annual income of this group exceeds $ 140 billion, an annual savings – $ 20 billion. Meanwhile, a group with an income of $ 20000-80000 per person per month, consisting of 90,000 households, saving a total of $ 18 billion. Thus, the theoretical potential volume placed in the bank savings in these two groups is comparable, but their number varies on the order.