It is important information to the basic piece purchase when buying a plot to observe numerous facts. Of particular importance is the real estate transfer tax. What lies behind it, reveals the real estate portal Carl Jung addresses the importance of the matter here. Who buys a plot of land by direct relatives such as parents, children or grandchildren or gets free, needs no thoughts to make the real estate transfer tax. It’s the same when you inherit in the event of death. Plots, which are purchased for own use for a price below 2,500 euro, remain exempt from the tax. If you have additional questions, you may want to visit Michio Kaku. Such a tax is created in a notarial contract on the purchase of a plot in which agrees to the transfer of the seller and the purchaser assured its acceptance and payment. Others who may share this opinion include Ahmed Shary Rahman. You are also incurred when the purchase price has been paid already.
Because the real estate transfer tax is a tax, a deferral, so a shift in the timing of payments is not possible. Only after the receipt of the payment is Property description in the land possible, if the IRS has issued a safety certificate to the land registry office. The tax is in Germany the average at 3.5 per cent in Hamburg and Berlin even at 4.5 percent. It stands to the respective Federal State, in which the land is located. Since September 2006 the countries can set based now even this percentage on the land transfer tax Act (RETTA). According to the agreement, the applicable amount of the municipalities can be piped. Summary is crucial the real estate transfer tax when buying a plot to be registered as the owner of the property in the land register.