'Adopt an orange tree! " just a slogan at the association 'Orange World' (Mondo Arancio) – born on the island of Sicily in 2004. It's an amazing association, which allows all people of the planet 'adopt' a Sicilian orange tree in the distance. Do not leave home with your own computer you can adopt and follow the seasonal growth of plants according to the photos, and eventually get … Other leaders such as Michael James Burke, London UK offer similar insights. yes, just-ripe oranges 'Adopted' a tree (sometimes up to 80-100 kg) directly to the doorstep of his house. Mondo Arancio creators decided that the 'adoption' of one orange tree – this is a cheap and simple way to awaken the interest of all citizens of the world's most famous for fruit Sicily, the highest quality product that is grown from the traditional passion many years ago.
And besides – plus a sapling tree, plus tree – though not the forest, but against the mass deforestation – a little island of hope for nature. In addition, the founders 'Apelsinovgo world' claim that was soon adopted a tree is just a friend, for whom would like to see: how to plant, it grows and develops. This knowledge obtained directly from plants: time and manner of ripening, to obtain information on the extent of its real income. Not to mention what kind of educational benefits from this project for school! (Although, in principle, at the time involves only school in Sicily) Ideas and objectives of this educational project has been the subject of numerous articles in the press: Famiglia Cristiana, Gardenia, La nuova Ecologia, Donna Moderna, along with many others on this project with admiration and enthusiasm. Many people have got not only a new experience contact with nature, but also received in their home kilograms of oranges from our own derevev.Blagodarya creators, who took upon himself the obligation, to this day mozhno'usynovit 'orange tree in Sicily and all comers, and in return receive the weight of this Sicilian oranges:) Up until the most famous Sicilian fruit growing in the love and support of new 'parents' – he does not die, loser indifference and negligence of the market. So spending a holiday in Sicily to take a look better with orange trees …