The last decade in Russia is characterized by the rise in building an individual house construction. In the Ural region every second ruble invested in the construction, it is a private investment. And the interesting dynamics – for five years, private investment increased by 10 times and it seems to be no limit. However, this money is invested, at least, thoughtless. Now in a radius of 50 km from Ekaterinburg erected about 70 cottage communities of different type, and estimated cost, but in fact is cloning 'sleeping' settlements. All the problems of life support residents of such settlements to be addressed through metropolis, dooming future generations to 'shuttle' transport themselves loved the city and back. If the original still in the design decision not to provide a sufficient society, then in such settlements can only sympathize. Because of this, the real estate market is dominated by building 90s, where there is no never even minimal, urban standards, the society.
In the relative winners are adjacent to the metropolis settlements, which, however, lose on the environmental component (noise, fumes, electromagnetic background, etc.) first settlements of the radius of accessibility (15-20 minutes by car). Based on the statistical data shows that the most wealthy of the population of metropolitan intensively develops adjacent territory mainly in the south – are treated in Chelyabinsk and K-Ural. In recent years there has been interest of private investors to the north direction (Serov tract), and clearly increases the radius of the accessibility to Yekaterinburg (25-40) km.