Delirio Del Futbol

Major sporting events have a very ancient tradition, where mingled with bread, hence games that adjective. But from where comes from that tradition and leads us where bread and games? This tradition comes from Rome is in the public domain and that leads us to the stunning collective already is domain of many. Today is no different. If they are observed for mass sports events such as the recent World Cup of football, in the background is the same bread and games. Centuries ago it was limited to a place and currently through the media is entertains whole villages. The mass of people sitting at the TV euphorically and is distracted them needs that affect this world, just as it did back then in Rome. Thus goals and record are held and seen reports about the style of women’s soccer players.

Meanwhile in other parts of the earth people dying, the famine increases or a natural disaster has occurred. In another order of things also reforms occur in plans Governments, that make the chasm between rich and poor is increasing. But in those moments all fades fully, is not perceived at all, what counts are the games. German football fans sing a typical song with the following text: the football is our life, the King soccer ruled the world! We fight and give everything to get a goal after another / Yes, one for all, all for one, we are strongly United / and if it is our victory, all receive joy and honour. The motto one for all and all for one; We remain strongly United, it is perfect if it were a reality for all our world. But how it does you the world while you sing that song? During the 2008 European Championship not only occurred the great earthquake in China which killed 78,000 people and 5.5 million homes were destroyed, but that six weeks earlier took place a typhoon in Burma, which took 140,000 lives and 2.5 million people were left homeless, where did then the unit? During the European Championship, died every day hundreds of people due to lack of food, epidemics and infections. But the whole world directed his gaze to the Championship of Europe celebrating each goal where was the motto all for one? Where was the community? Where was the union at that time and again how today? World Governments should help to the most poor and to the many people who suffer, rather than spend the money on bread and games. Imagine for a moment how should feel someone who has lost his home, his property, perhaps until his family in a part of the land and knows that the compassion of humanity, is reduced to a ball of leather that flies through the air. It is not just in case something very bitter? The cost of the World Cup in South Africa has been EUR 1300 million. Only investments in stadiums is estimated at $ 900 million.