We are in an age where we have that to choose between two ways: to be Maria-go-with-the-other or to be bizarro. The great majority of the people that does not have proper opinion and that they want to copy the personality of the first person whom it sees for the front, if being become Maria-go-with-the-other. That exactly not liking such style of music, they hear because of the infuncia of ' ' amigos' '. that exactly liking such girl ignores, it for its friends to tacharem of something antonym ' ' gostosa' '. The bizarros are the minority.
They are those pupils humiliated for its colleagues for possessing high QI, if dressing different, hearing musics that like and studying! To have prpia personality is something rare of if finding between the adolescents. You who do not study more and have some mental health, if would scare if she entered in a college. Because it total is divided in tribes. I am part of a tribe. But she is the lesser tribe of my school. Two NERDs. It is what we have. Not! This does not mean nothing.
We think different. Very different. We are all adolescents. But probably if they put me pra to talk with somebody of Hip Hop, we do not teriamos subjects. Then We remain as we are