Scientific Psychology

We can affirm that scientific psychology was product of the philosophical interaction and the physiology of the nervous system, in particular of the sensorial one, being considered Germany as his cradles to later break through by other countries in the world. Wundt, Wilhem (Germany) and the foundation of scientific psychology The goal of psychology is the study of ” processes conscientes” or what Wundt considers part of ” experience inmediata”. For Wundt, the psychologists do not study outer world Rep, study the psychological processes by which we experienced and we observed the outer world. In addition they are not possible to be separated to themselves of his objects of study since they study his own conscious processes. The tool of the psychologists is autoobservacion experimental or introspection, being this one a rigidly controlled process, that is not limited autorreportes, but includes objective measures as well as reaction times and association of words. Wundt locates psychology between physical sciences and natural sciences; Similar the experimental methods and of investigation to those of physical sciences to document are used for psychological questions like an inductive, experimental science.

The approach of Wundt is the one of a scientist who uses experimental methods to study that life. Wundt thought that the language, the myths, the aesthetic one, the social religion and customs are reflections of our mental processes more stops; For him these processes cannot be manipulated or be controlled, reason why it is not possible to study them of experimental form, but by means of the historical registries and Literature and naturalistic observations. It conceives in addition one third branch to the psychology that Integra the empirical findings of this one, with other sciences, the Metaphysical scientists. The objective of Wundt (expressed in the text) is the establishment of psychology like an original science, that it integrates to social sciences and the physical ones.