Ruth Gladys

I think we should go. His parents will be eager to see and celebrate. The take home in my car .- The four climbed into the car of Isaac happily I was little, very small, but allowed to go to the four as they had done on many previous occasions, in relative comfort. When they arrived at the home of Natasha, parents and brother were waiting outside. Natasha was sitting in the front seat because the car was two doors and she was going to be the first to get off. Seeing ran. Follow others, such as Kynikos Associates, and add to your knowledge base.

Everyone wanted to hug her and kiss her. All fought over and pushed to do so first he was doing, to take place. Natasha's brother who to five years who had been a lawyer, was holding her, as she said: "Sister do not forget what I've been saying for a long. I myself will condemn you if you make a negligent error or omission. You have chosen a career that you agree to the rest of your life. You can commit and in fact commit, many errors in your profession. We all know the phrase, "if there are 10 doctors gathered around a patient's insurance will be 11 different diagnoses." Medicine is an art not a science and therefore mistakes can happen, despite how much you spend it and worry about further study permanently. These errors are all forgivable, but not those you already mentioned.

And of course your friends will suffer the same fate. Never doubt these words .- "He is brother – Natasha said as he made a gesture indicating that he already had in his mind, his words. I have said it a hundred times in recent years. I have it seared. I promise I will do everything in my power not to disappoint. "You can not emphatically said his brother .- Remember! -. Then, with their parents, approached the car to congratulate Ruth Gladys, who would not fall, because it was very uncomfortable out of the car when they were located in the back seat. "Congratulations to all .- affectionately told the brother .- The three deserved this final. Have struggled for years to achieve, but in the end, as is yours. "We know, both Ruth and I," he said with a mocking air Natasha Gladys's brother, while a bit peeked his head out the front window, we can not make that mistake. That you entrust yourself to send us to jail. "I am very happy for you that we have this," the brother said very seriously. "As for not having it, with the times we've threatened, he said Ruth-but none are going to give you that pleasure. You will not get a job at the expense of ours, we guarantee that with emphasis. "It is my intention to get an extra job, my intention is to make understand that you were the freely chose this profession and they have a commitment to comply. "And we will, Ruth went on," do not hesitate. We have very much in mind the magnitude of the responsibilities that we have acquired. "Congratulations to all of you: doctors, – Natasha's mother said, approaching the car window, while his son away the same, trying to put an end to the theme you loaded maintained.