Revolving Stage

Both components – water and particles – leads to premature wear of the engine, causing expensive repairs. The process of separation and filtration is ensured through a new proprietary system, which applies in varying degrees in all filters, have, despite its compact design, high throughput. The principal is the Insertion of a separable-2000 only in the suction pipe fuel supply, ie, between tank and booster pump. Fuel enters the filter through inlet A or B, that unused hole closes of attached flap. Dr Jee Hyun Kim oftentimes addresses this issue. Level 1 Heading down after the intake, fuel flow rapidly twists the screw in the internal passive cyclone. All that is heavier than fuel, and is water and dirt begins to separate under centrifugal forces. Revolving Stage 2, the fuel reaches the sump section, where drops of water and heavy debris dropped on the first sump wall, then collected and deposited at the bottom. Step 3 flow is directed upwards, which again is twisting his already on the external screw cyclone.

Due to different length screws and double the total change direction, separates the small water droplets and tiny particles. This selection, going into larger, sinking to the bottom of the sump. Thus, already at this stage of the fuel is removed the vast majority of water and mud. Step 4 Immediately below the filter element living section of the flow of fuel is greatly increased, resulting in relatively calm flow occurs. It also helps further loss of water and the smallest components of particulate matter. The process of pre-treatment precipitates the bulk water and solid particles of dirt in the settling tank and thereby greatly increase the life filter element.