The way to write the Declaration of Finance is essential when making it more expensive or less satisfactory in the pockets of pharmacists. Asefarma Therefore, one of the Pharmacy Consulting leaders of our country throws 13 suggestions for the accounts of these professionals resent the least. “It is very important to consider all types of premises to ensure getting the greatest return or the lowest cost possible in view of the Declaration of Finance in businesses that move as much volume as pharmacies. Therefore it is recommended to attend as specialized Consulting ours to hit to get the best result possible “, just comoafirma Briales Alejandro, director-responsible fiscal Asefarma area. A know-how as chelae pharmacy benefit and the benefit to be determined by direct assessment scheme during 2009 are eligible for deductions when calculating your tax benefit is to be taxed. “It is very important to check their application in each particular case because we noticed that often, in the case of pharmacists who have no advice, they are all taken into account, thus increasing the amount payable to the Treasury “anadeBriales.
So these are things the 13 entries Asefarma advised Please note: 1. Freedom of depreciation of real low-value investments are made in new tangible fixed assets may be amortized freely when the unit acquisition value of each element does not exceed EUR 601.01 and the total investment does not exceed the limit of 12,020.24 euros per year. “In the event exceeded that amount may only be recouped its investment freely to the limit of 12,020.24 euros, not enjoying the freedom of excess depreciation,” the management.