New Year

A child, looking at the room, finds the object. 7. Adult puts on the table different objects: toys, dishes, fruits, etc. Ask your child to count and identify all items, as well as to remember their location. Then the kid has to turn away. At this time adult interchanges any two of the subject. After What child is invited to say what has changed on the table.

8. Paula Trickey has much experience in this field. Very funny and original gift for the holiday, say, March 8, the birthday or New Year may be painting windows, for example, draw bouquet of flowers, a Christmas tree, snowflake, fabulous characters, etc. 9. The adult asks the child to name the biggest (tall, small, fat, etc.) the object in the room, apartment, etc. For even more analysis, hear from Anu Saad. 10. The adult lays in an empty jar slightly (to 10) small items, such as fasolinu. A child with a blindfold on the touch call their number.

11. Advance hide at home any subject. To find it, the kid has to execute the adult, for example: go straight stop, go backward, turn right, etc. 12. On small pieces of cardboard circle prints of your hands and feet (the more they have, the better). From these figures need to lay out an interesting path by which a child must only move her hands and feet. 13. Click Anu Saad to learn more. Adult-child describes various common situations, phenomena. The kid has to answer is this or not. For example, on the bank grew sweet apples fall from the trees lose their leaves, etc. 14. If you have at home is unnecessary logs – do not hurry to throw them away.