Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome is a disorder of the digestive system. Certain homeopathic remedies can be applied to the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome! Irritable bowel syndrome “is the designation for chronic indigestion. It is estimated that almost one in ten citizens of Central Europe suffers. A person who is ill with an irritable bowel syndrome, can’t handle certain foods, has a weak pancreas, often he gets also abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea. Such patients are given a food prepared especially for them. It isn’t easy them, strictly observe the whole medical regulations in the irritable bowel syndrome, because, like other people, they would like to travel, play sports, and much more.

It is very important to perform a treatment, but only as a relief. The intestinal flora, the milk bacteria is a many representatives of flora that exist in our intestines. Usually, these bacteria contribute to the digestion, produce vitamins of the Group B and neutralize the effect of toxic bacteria. However, the normal gut flora is very vulnerable and at the multiple application of antibiotics and observance of the diets, she will be destroyed. The irritable bowel syndrome and its symptoms in some cases replace the beneficial flora bacteria or fungi, in the course of time, they produce gases, consume while the main vitamins and the minerals.

This leads the fatigue to the distension of the abdomen, as well as to the occurrence of such symptoms as the urge for sugar. Drugs you can correct the situation with the help of preparations, the replacement of the intestinal flora, for example with sour milk bacteria. It is very important that these preparations are in a bag that can withstand the acidic environment of the stomach. Some varieties of yogurt contain sour milk bacteria maintaining the normal intestinal flora. Bifido, lactobacillus or acidophillus must be on the packaging. The daily use of two small yogurt cans full of Bifido bacteria, is sufficient for the maintenance of the normal intestinal flora. For their stimulating wear such foods as Onion, leek and carrots much in. So it will be necessary of irritable bowel syndrome and the bloating if the distention of the abdomen is not a result of unhealthy gut flora, elsewhere to seek the cause of unpleasant disease. It is known that certain foods, for example beans, Turkish peas, cabbage, peanuts, sprouts, onions, trigger a flatulence in some people. The pulp and its importance for the irritable bowel syndrome contain complex carbohydrates – the pulp, our natural digestive system sometimes not able to digest, resulting in the well-known inconvenience all above mentioned food. Some people try to do without this food, but while they eat many healthy food not be a harm. On the market there are enough drugs that contribute to the above mentioned food Digest, they reduce the flatulence also. For example the peppermint oil is very effective. Movement who suffers from irritable bowel syndrome, should move up during the day. Even if man forced is a fitting job to fulfill, is advisable from time to time to get up from the Chair. If it is a long way, just get out of the car, do some stretching exercises. It will bring benefits not only the intestine, but also the legs. The bloating of the abdomen, the indigestion and constipation (the irritable bowel syndrome) require a treatment and can be abolished through change the feeding ration or the recording of the corresponding medicinal preparations.