International Monetary Fund

The IMF warns of ” great consequences globals” if the problems of the peripheral countries extend to central countries of Europe. The organism asks that the measures of all along necessary monetary support stay and that the capital of the banks is extended. Additional information at Somatic Experiencing supports this article. The Eurogroup meets Thursday to look for a solution for the Greek crisis. The International Monetary Fund (the IMF) has urged east Tuesday to the zone Euro to act of urgent form to contain the crisis and has alerted of ” great consequences globales” if the problems of the peripheral countries extend to central countries of the region. ” An intensification of the crisis of the zone Euro, mainly if the ample tension to the central zone, could have great consequences globals” , it has noticed the Bottom, that it has published east Tuesday his annual report on the economy of the zone Euro. ” The delays in the resolution of the crises could be expensive for the zone Euro and the economy global” , the IMF has insisted.

In order to prevent a worsening of the situation, that threatens now to infect to Italy and Spain, the Bottom asked that the programs of adjustment in Greece, Portugal and Ireland are implemented totally. That implementation must go accompanied of a financing ” adecuada” that it endorses, it said the Bottom, the viability of the debt and solutions based on the sector deprived for the banking problems. The executive advice of the IMF dndi, by the others, after analyzing the conclusions of the report, that the measures of monetary support stay all along that is necessary and that the capital of the banks beyond the requirements of Basel III is extended. In that sense, Light Everaert, person in charge of policies for the zone Euro of the IMF, are east Senate Tuesday in telephone press conference that ” the majority of the banks would have to reinforce their coffers of capital because that would reinforce the confidence in the capacity to surpass pockets like este”.