Holistic Education

Klein), philosophical concepts of Holistic Education (Jeffrey Kane), comprehensive understanding of being (Roger Prentice), Learning Communities (Mark Gerzon), different with very similar cultures (Atsuhiko Yoshida and Dr. Ramon Gallegos) etc. .. All dialogues with holistic thinkers, philosophers, writers, educators, scientists and mystics have one end that is the awakening of consciousness of human beings, seek to improve education, conduct the search for sustainable development on our planet. The dialogue of Dr. Ramon Gallegos with Atsuhiko Yoshida has very similar because it focused on the holistic development of education in Mexico and Japan, share the experiences of each country so geographically distant, but close in their holistic.

Yes there is a similarity between the two cultures, because Mexico has always been traditional in their ways, is moving toward modernity. In Mexico we have an education system that focused on quality ideas, procedures, records is most relevant for a better education and it is not true because cultivate humanity, integrity, nature is most important for each person. The objectives of each of the participants in these dialogues are to transcend, seeking unity between people living together in communities, preserve the values, promote respect, tolerance, accepting diversity, find the subject – subject – nature adopt an attitude of human consciousness, the awakening of the spiritual in every human being throughout the cosmos. Us Holistic and Teachers must make the change in the evolution of human consciousness in the sense that we are an integrative model for the educational process from the individual consciousness to the spiritual.