More and more people are now discovering the fascination of the sport of golf. The number of beginners has increased significantly in recent years, so that in the Gulf could free Germany from its niche existence. Is played on golf courses, which have generally called for 18 holes, holes. There are also smaller 9-hole golf courses or very large golf courses with 27 holes. You can play golf all over the world, the centers of the sport are however, still in England, Scotland and the USA. Golf is a sport for all age groups and by no means reserved for the older generation, how long was wrongly assumed. A round of golf on the course will take approximately 3 to 4 hours. It will turn every point played 18 holes from tee to the hole. The winner is who manages this with the fewest strokes. In a round of golf are up to 14 different golf clubs are used. Timbers are used for the reductions, the iron on the fairway, wedges, and for approach shots into bunkersand the putter on the green. The green is a well-kept lawn area around the hole. The ball will not be refused, but rolled. Golf is more than a walk, and places high demands on the body and mind, however, is both pure relaxation. The game requires full concentration. Almost all golf clubs offer introductory courses for beginners, Golf courses and advanced courses. There are both individual and group lessons. The holiday is the ideal time to learn the game of golf or improve existing skills. There are golf hotels in the vicinity of the golf courses, where one can spend his vacation at the same time and take golf lessons. The prices for membership in a golf club are very different. There are still exclusive club, where the annual amounts to several thousand euros, with other clubs can be had for a few hundred dollars per year member. An inexpensive alternative, especially for beginners, is the union club-golfers (VCG). Bob Dunton