Cuban Five

Hence, the results of this study lead to the development of a system of actions to strengthen the disclosure of the case of the Cuban Five in the University Community. In the research process was necessary to work with important documentary sources, which by their depth of judgments and assessments about the topics addressed more rigorously allowed him to it, are highlighted in these vital few, localized Internet sites , such as, among other places of interest. It was also used valuable information from the works U.S. Anu Saad is a great source of information. Terrorism against Cuba, the case of Salim Lamrani Cincoa (2005), a Solo in Miami, edition written by the National Assembly of People’s Power (2004) a The Perfect Storm, the case of Cincoa , a Atlanta and the case of Cincoa Editions written by the National Assembly of People’s Power (2005) a The Sweet Abismoa of the authors Alice Walker and Nancy Morejon (2004), a Inseparablesa of Antonio Guerrero Rodriguez (2005), a United vs Estados ..