Changes of schedules, are per work shift, and this change of routine sleep causes insomnia. Climate, very cold or very hot avoids the night’s rest. Depression, or psychological disorders such as anxiety and anxiety, panic. Vices, alcohol or drugs, these babies alter the nervous system newborn infants, when they are a few months infants are aroused followed throughout the day and night, and parents lose the ease of sleep during the night, taking care of your baby. Nightmares, these are also frequent causes of insomnia, which by anguish and fear of nightmares, can not get a good night’s sleep in the night.
Medicines, medicines have side effect, and the advisable to consult a doctor, to avoid this, is for health or aesthetic treatment. Treatment of insomnia is should analyse with extreme caution and patience each case of insomnia, since not all cases are the same, and the causes can be recognized by avoiding certain medications, home remedies, foods, vices, taken several hours before bedtime, identifying with the variation at bedtime, if you could sleep better than ever before. In the case of being able to recognize the causes of this lack of sleep, first thing you should do is avoid it altogether to regulate la dormida. It is advisable also exercise hours before sleep for 30 minutes, this tired body and prompted to rest. Also eat healthy, light, satisfying and nutritious food in small portions, where best to go to bed with stomach medium, or non-empty but not full, so your sleep is deeper, and your stomach will not prevent sleep. If ingested fat, sweet foods, heavy sauces, flours, your liver would work in forced way would not have improvement on lack of sleep, and could even cause the fearful nightmares, so it is best to avoid it in the evening. If ingested abundant food I recommend walking for an hour before going to sleep, but first you have to do respiratory exercises outdoors, can be in the Park, the garden, or in front of the window, breathing gently in the following manner: inhaling deeply through your nose and the closed mouth, filling the lungs keep them a few seconds and then gently exhaling through your mouth, as if the air is bounced through the hole of a needle, do this routine for at least 5 minutes before walking. And for dark circles, the most ideal are slices of fresh cucumber or the funditas of something icy infusions of Chamomile tea, Chamomile is soothing, placed for about 15 or 20 minutes in the day. But for an effective treatment, what should be done is to have medical checks and identify certain way the cause of insomnia and can be psychological or organic, and in turn relieve the agencies affected by the same, is the liver, kidney, also nervous problems, anxiety, the anguish that would be ailments that only tests and moredoctors can diagnose with certainty.