Burnout Syndrome, is one of the most documented consequences today, also called, syndrome be burning (SEQ). Defines the term burnout, Anglo-Saxon term whose translation of more next to the Castilian is worn, exhausted, loss of enthusiasm for work, burnt, in colloquial terms. Guerrero, 1997, writes: the story about burnout is recent because Europe fails to be studied even entered the 1980s, although since then the lines of research that have arisen have been multiple and all agree that factors that are involved in the psychic wear ranging from the personal and organizational context, those related to the academic formation (excess of theoretical content and few practical activities) that these professionals receive in schools or universities. This is a multiple response derived from a chronic emotional stress and that courses with: emotional exhaustion and psychological, cold and impersonal attitude with others, and do not adapt to the tasks to develop feelings. The person actually feels that it cannot offer anything at the affective level, presents lack of energy and emotional resources. Usually give between education workers, and when we say that the Professional is blown we express the situation has overwhelmed him, and his ability to adapt has been reduced.Bard p. in 1979; Alvarez and Fernandez in 1991 and Guerrero and Vicente, in 2001 assert that among the effects of the burnout we can highlight consequences both from the professional point of view (tardiness, abundance of interruptions, avoidance of work, absenteeism, tardiness, lack of commitment in the work, an abnormal desire for vacation, a decrease in self-esteem as well as an inability to take school seriously(, or even to the abandonment of the profession); and hence economic, as from the human aspect affected people seem to present a greater vulnerability to suffer accidents Labor, medical (such as depression, hypertension, gastrointestinal type disturbances) symptoms, loss of voice or even substance abuse, including tobacco.