Love more sublime and more perfect in first place part of it towards you, only having abundance in love towards you is how you share genuine love toward others.Promote for you all that is good and the best of life in all aspects, is to express your generosity toward yourself.But give more and more to you, is not only money and material goods, but in addition you realize the importance of your presence on this planet, give yourself the best of life in happiness, love, freedom, events and pleasurable actions and infinity rejoice.Your life will be what your think and want for you, get all those activities and circumstances that bring you joy if you feel good eating a chicken sandwich get if your joy is in watching a child play do it if you feel peace to caress your pet do it if sharing with your friends makes you happy do it if walking through nature gives you a feeling of freedom do if your this joy in reading do it If you are experiencing joy meditating do give yourself is fine, there is no nobody more important for you than yourself. Find what makes you live in fullness, joy and inner joy, welcome him with intense passion, for yourself. Undoubtedly internal happiness and joy, are the fuel of the success. Original author and source of the article