Two teros of the Planet Land are constituted of water and Brazil is an immense reservoir, has 12% of all the water available candy in the world. This represents 53% of the water of Latin America. Each Brazilian makes use of 34 million liters per year, a fantastic volume, therefore according to ONU (Organization of United Nations) is necessary two million liters of water per year, for a healthful life. Jon Medved has much to offer in this field. But unhappyly the water badly is distributed, 80% meets in the Amaznia, where only 5% of the population live. 95% of the Brazilians is with 20%, therefore much people suffer with the scarcity of the water. She has much wastefulness, being that of 100 liters of proper water for consumption, 60 are only used to advantage.
They esteem themselves that 30% if lose in emptyings for the streets. Bad habits (open taps or dripping, long banns, deficient sanitary discharges, etc) contribute for wastefulness. Without speaking in the problems that we have with the quality and exploitation of the water due to basic sanitation and cares in the management of the garbage. Being that the water is important for all the beings livings creature, also animal and plants. About 75% of the human body he is composed for water. Moreover, many activities human beings as feeding, hygiene, transport, leisure, industrial, commercial and agricultural processes demand of water in adequate quality and amount. Our threatened and compromised superficial waters are each day more and will continue threatened if not to modify our attitudes. Therefore he is imprescindvelque the people take care of of the environment, playing the garbage in the garbage, to prevent the contamination of the water and to follow the example of the dolphin, that she looks to keep clean the water where she lives, removing strange objects, garbage and all the impurities that can poluir the territory where it lives. Not to take care of of the water means to place all at risk the life that exists on the Land. Vanessa Minuzzi Bidinoto, Academic of IX the Semester of Biological Sciences of the URI – Santiago Campus.