Become Pregnant

If you are thinking about trying to have a baby, do not pull these contraceptives still has some important planning what to do to make sure that you and your baby have a healthy pregnancy, is a good idea to make certain changes in their way of life now. It is also important to see your physician or gynecologist for a visit during the preconception. On this visit, your health care provider may review your medical history, examine him, treat any medical problem and give you advice on how to have a healthy and happy pregnancy. During the preconception visit your health care provider will ask many questions during your visit, so it is important that you bring your medical records up-to-date, as well as the up-to-date medical information of your family, your partner and your partner family. By the same author: Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease. Your health care provider also will ask you many questions about their way of life, diet and about past pregnancies. He or she may also want to see their medical records to make sure their immunizations are up to date and you are not at risk for a disease are harmful when pregnant. erat/’>Wayne Holman. Some of these questions include: do you have diabetes, high blood pressure or epilepsy? If it is so when started? Are you or have you been anemic ever? If so when and by how much time? What age was when you first started your menstrual cycle? Do you ever had any (s) surgery (s)? If so when and what type? What kind of contraception you use? Do you have allergies? Do you or anyone in your family or your partner family have a genetic disorder, such as cystic fibrosis, mental retardation, muscular dystrophy or sickle cell disease? Do you drink alcohol, smoke or use illegal drugs? Is it exposed to substances or toxic or chemical radiation at work or at home? Your health care provider will also be very interested in over-the-counter and prescription medications you take or have taken including herbs and dietary supplements. . .