Sometimes we are lucky to find a beautiful piece of jewelry from fantasy with excellent construction and detail but which seems to have lost the luster, seems to be very dirty or in the case of pieces of silver, bronze or copper, dark and dull. Dr. Mark Hyman may not feel the same. On other occasions we would like to put us a piece that perhaps belonged to our grandmother or aunt but do not know how to clean them well. It should be especially careful with parts having precious stones or semiprecious stones at the moment being cleaned. Never immerse the parts completely in water since they can lose parts, dull, suffer discoloration or mildew. Humidity is enemy number one fantasy or jewellery jewelry particularly rhinestones or stones with metallic foil gluing.
Pearls are particularly sensitive as many pearls used in jewelry from fantasy have a protective coating or paint can husk if not treated with care. Turquoise or mother-of-Pearl are delicate and sensitive to the strong detergents. Many of the stones that look like semi-precious are really painted and may fade if not properly cleaned. Never clean jewelry that has loose parts or this broken, return to repair first and professionally cleaned. Then will you keep them easy hara. To begin, use a toothpick to go removing particles as food, wax, lipstick etc that may be hosted on the piece of jewelry.
If there is emhohecimiento of metal, you can delete it using the eraser or a pencil eraser. Use a mixture of Cup of lemon juice in a bowl and drizzle cooking salt. Let the piece by soaking in this mixture, wipe with clean water and dry thoroughly. Use a soft toothbrush, a makeup brush or a stick of cotton if the piece is very detailed or farfetched to clean details. Rinse thoroughly with water using the cotton swab or toothbrush clean.